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combined unit中文是什么意思

用"combined unit"造句"combined unit"怎么读"combined unit" in a sentence


  • 合并单位
  • 联合单元


  • Combined unit kilometers
  • The application of dehumidifying and reheating system in air combined unit
  • Analysis and disposal of unexpected malfunctions of a group compressor in a combined unit of hydro - upgrading and psa
  • For plug - in type oscilloscopes , the combined unit of mainframe and plug - in units will be calibrated as a composite unit
  • Positioned on top of the communication terminal , the combined unit provides a footprint of just 258 x 171 mmsmall enough to sit on top of any tv monitor
    当摄影机放在通讯终端机,它们的大小都只是258 w x 171 d mm足够放在电视萤幕上。
  • Add layers of strategy to your gaming experience by building mobile bases , wielding the power of terrifying ion storms on the battlefield , or customizing your armies by combining units
  • Units range from 600 to 2 , 150 sq ft . standard units have two or four bedrooms , with two en suites , plus maids room and bathroom . duplex sea view and special combined units are also available
    标准单位面积约由600平方尺至2 , 150平方尺,备有2房2厅至4房双套房连工人套房单位,另备有海景复式及特色相连单位。
  • To truly reflect complex geometrical layout of bolts , a composite model of three - dimension anchored rock mass has been proposed for numerical simulation . the corresponding formulation of anchored mass ' s combined units has been formed by displacement interpolation theory of fem and statical effective principle . and the corresponding detailed rules has also been advanced
  • Duplex units with sea views and special combined units will also be available . it is close to olympic station and many large shopping malls , and has a grand clubhouse equipped with luxury banquet halls , multimedia center , beauty parlor , indoor and outdoor swimming pools and more to offer residents comprehensive leisure and entertainment
  • Duplex units with sea view and special combined units are also available . located closely to olympic station and many large shopping malls and with its own grand clubhouse equipped with luxury banquet halls , multimedia center , beauty parlor , indoor and outdoor swimming pools , etc . , the property offers residents comprehensive leisure and entertainment facilities at all times
用"combined unit"造句  
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